

Sep 1, 2013

There are many Shops and Shopping centres in Abbottabad with the passage of time new shopping malls are established especially in Mandian areas

Abbottabad Bird Eye View

Al-Syed Shopping Centre: Jadoon Plaza, Abbottabad
Deemas Shopping Centre: Mansehra Road, Opp. Sethi Masjid, Supply Abbottabad Ph: +92-992-336096
Anab Shopping & Toys Gift Centre: Nawa-sher, Abbottabad Ph: +92-321-5114232
Al Samad Cosmetics  Bano Market, Masjid Bazar, Abbottabad Ph: +92-992-333656
Italian Mall,   Mansehra Road,  Abbottabad
Moon Emporium ,  Mansehra Road,  Abbottabad
Kashmir Gift & Fresh Flowers: Shop No. 55-56, Cantt Chowk, Abbottabad Ph: +92-992-509311
Al-Rafique Gift Centre: Noor-ud-Din Bazar, Abbottabad Ph: +92-992-331375
Warda Prints: Mansehra Road, Jhangi Qazi, Opp. Radio Pakistan, Abbottabad
Mush n Mash: City Ventre Plaza, Mansehra Road Supply, Abbottabad
Indus Medicos: Al-Mumtza Plaza, Mansehra Road Supply Abbottabad Ph: +92-992-335542
Shaheen Chemist:  Mandian Abbottabad Ph:+92-992-382001

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3 thoughts on “Shops”
  1. This good web but i am looking about Noor-ud-Din Chowk in Abbottabad for Lawyer Sahibzada Muhammad Idrees S/O Sahibzada Muhammad Ilyas. If any addres s i need contact Nos also . Muhammad Suleman,Rochester,New York,USA. CELL Ph # 585-820-9373

    1. Plz. contact Muhammad Irshad Abbasi Advocate High Court Ph: +92-345-9548871
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