The Administration of Abbottabad

*  Commissioner Hazara Division (Region): Syed Zaheer ul Islam
* DC:  Khalid Iqbal   (0992) 9310204
*AAC: Additional Assistant Commissioner, Ali Sher
* AAC: Additional Assistant Commissioner, Lubna Iqbal

  • District Food Controller  (DFC) Shad Muhmaad

* District Food Controller Mansehra (DFC) Uzma Shah


DIG: Ph: (0992) 9310021-9310023
DPO:  Ph: (0992) 9310026-9310025
SP: Investigation:
SHO: Cantt:
DSP Mirpur:
Traffic Inspector Contact No: 0992 دفتر ٹریفک انسپکٹر:–9310042

If you are calling outside Abbottabad dial 0992 and for International callers +92-992-

DIG Hazara9310021
Fax: 9310516
ADIG Hazara9310516
Reader to DIG9310457
DPO Abbottabad9310026
Fax: 9310025
SSP investigation9310046
SP/HQrs: Atd:9310029
SP Elite Atd:9310508
SSP coordination333394
SSP FRP Atd:9310036
SDPO Cantt9310031
SDPO Havelian810585
SDPO Galyat355006
DSP  Legal9310043
DSP FRP Atd:9310020
Traffic Inspector9310042
FRP Police Line Atd:9310037
SHO Cantt9310038
SHO City9310039
SHO Mirpur380830
MASI Mirpur380830
SHO Nawan Sher390226
SHO Sherwan373009
SHO Nara800255
SHO Lora0992-464014
SHO Donga Gali355300
SHO Bakot0992-451361
SHO PS Woman9310034
RI/MTO Police Line9310034
Moharrir Police LINE9310034
Incharge Security Branch9310355
LO Line9310034
Control Room9310033/341785
Call Data Record Branch330944
Rest House Atd:9310045
Rest House Nathia Gali355331
Special Branch381357
FIA Abbottabad9310019
Anticorruption Branch383564

Cantonment Board, Abbottabad

The Cantonment Board is responsible for municipal services, development and maintenance of military and civil areas within the cantonment limits. It operates under Military Laws and Cantonment Act. It is assisted by the Military Engineering Department for technical works and services.

Teshil Municipal Council, Abbottabad

The Municipal Council is an elected body operating under the control of the Civil Administration in Abbottabad. It is responsible for most civic functions within the municipal limits of Abbottabad Town. It is assisted by the other departments of the NWFP Government in the planning and execution of its functions.

 NWFP Wildlife Department

The NWFP Wildlife Department operates under the Government of NWFP, which promulgated the NWFP Wildlife, Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management Act of 1975.

It has the status of an attached Department of Forest, Fisheries and Wildlife in 1995. The Hazara Division of this department has been given the responsibility to manage the Ayubia national Park.

*Ex- Commissioner Hazara Region: Muhammad Khalid Khan Umerzai
* Ex-DC: Syed Imtiaz Shah
*Ex-AC:  Osama Ahmed Varaich

DC abbottabad

DC Abbottabad while addressing a press Conference at AEMA office

By admin

92 thoughts on “Administration”
  1. Salam. I need some help. My father’s sazuki shahzore got stolen on december 29 2014 from Sohawa distt Jehlum. Now we are sure that vehicleis in abbottabad. So we need abbottabad police help to get it back. We have papers too. Kindly do your best to take us out of this problem. Thankyou

  2. AsSalam o alaikom.

    I hope you are all safe and smiling, no matter how the life is going. I am glad to see Abbottabad’s online presence. Please mention IF THERE IS ANY ONLINE RESOURCE AVAILABLE ON ADA i.e ABBOTTABAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN GENERAL. AND IT’S HOUSING PROJECT/TOWNSHIP etc IN PARTICULAR.

    My father is a ‘Shareef’ and self-made man. He is almost 70 but still believes in miracles as he wants to lead a risk and hassle free life. So he has to travel from Peshawar to Abbottabad to find a way to sort out/reduce outstanding dues on his only plot in your beautiful city. Unfortunately, its an unmarketable plot with not much progress or growth from more than a couple of decades. The authorities have been sending notifications on wrong address from the last 20 to 25 years. This day, the dues accumulated are unbearable and we’ve to pay as we don’t want to visit ‘thanas’ and ‘kacheries’. I just want to try to help him in whatever way possible before he is being fooled by the opportunist sitting in the market and everywhere. Any help in this regard would be really appreciated.

    Thank You and Pakistan paindabad.

    1. Thank you for mail, but unfortunately there is no net presence or website of ADA, however you can contact the district Administration like Commissioner/DC/AC for more info about your case

  3. Hello, a letter was sent your office by registered post couple of weeks ago. That was regarding the continues problems for the local resident behind Sethi Masjid Mansehrah Road Abbottabad. Kindly acknowledge the receipt as well as the action taken by your office.
    Shabbir Khan
    Behind Sethi Masjid

  4. Respected Sir,
    Please note that i submitted application in Bagnotar Police station disst Abbootabad. submit Dated
    16-02-2015 and application No # 414.already marked by DPO. but still no action i request please take a action about my application.

    Thank You,

    Faisal Manzoor.

    1. Contact directly to DIG Hazara and cc to IGP and complaint cell Peshawar for immediate action on your FIR, Also contact to journalists for highlighting your issue

  5. sir.diggi mohallah abbottabad city ma safai ka boot masala ha.koe sweeper safai ka laye nae ata ha.muncipal committee ko b complaint ke laken koe masala hal nae howa ha.pani aik hafta bad ata ha.pani ka b masala ha,cell#03369023808

  6. Respected sir I am Muhammad Naveed from ABBBOTTABAD. I have worked as a loan officer at a microfinance bank ABBBOTTABAD for more than 8 years during that time I have performed my duties with utmost honesty and faithfully. Due to some personal reason my management illegaly dismissed me from my services I have filed a petition against that decision at NIRC Peshawar. Court give one month legal notice to my bank for submission of reply but after spending more than 6 month still bank haven’t submit any reply. I am verry poor person haven’t any job and other source of income I want to get some help from you if I give you all relevant proof and other necessary detail can you help me??? Muhammad Naveed contact no 03455015650 waiting for your kind reply

  7. hi
    sir i have stuck into a scam by an agent so is there any FIA office contect detail in abbottabad.

  8. Salam, my son cell was stolen and unfortunately he did not disabled the sim after stolen, suddenly yesterday after 2 month somebody called my cousin and start flirting with her and once they check from the mobilink the sim is on my son name, meantime my son deactivated the sim and i gurantee my son never call her i need help to how to find this man who called and whether this sim was re issued. I need help to trace this as we are getting family tense. Appreciate your support. Manzoor Hussein Tanoli, Director Saudi Airlines Jeddah

    1. W-Salam….You can directly contact the Cell Company Mobilink franchise or office located at supply bazar with original ID card with sim jacket and sim, you can get all data from this office…

  9. Dear Sir,
    I am an oversea Pakistani. One of my closed relative faced a robbery and local police has arrested the culprits but later on the pressure of few politicians they have let free one suspect from the their custody in Police station without mentioning his name in FIR.
    We have concrete evidence of himself pleading guilty through a number of witness statement by locals residence and photographic evidence that he was arrested and then released over night.
    I desperately need email address of the DPO or SSP or the chance to have an appointment with him so that his kind attention could be brought to the matter. since local police have shown no interest/faith to be serious about the matter.

  10. Dear Sir,
    I we want to know who is the responsible person that is controlling the Police Station of Ghari Habibullah District Manshera becuase here are all the staff have understanding Prime Minister of Town no body is performing their responsibility i have submit a complain against a bad man but the Police station staff have n’t take any action on that app. so kindly guide me where should i can consult for this issue.

  11. sir i have received offer letter from NIP (national internship programe) for internship in DCO office abbottabad and asked me to contact haji Nisar mehmood in office plz can u help me, they have not provided any contact number,

    1. First an assessment committee member will visit your house with some formalities like plot size then CBA send you total fee, this fee is also negotiable….estimate for 10 marla 20k to 40K for first and then 5-8k per year

  12. Dear sir,
    Please pass on this message to DIG Abbottabad for his action. I am a British Pakistani leaving in West yorkshire England.I am the Owner of some agriculture land on ghazi barotha channel called Spoil Bank no. 29, situated in Teh. Ghazi, Dist. Haripur. We produce and contribute in Pakistan’s economy with our small portion of share with differents type of crops. Last night 10/06/2016 in the holy month of ramadan, some one has stolen coils from our 25kva transformer and left us without electricity. My local rep. has approached teh. ghazi police station to register FIR for this crime committed on site. Staff in Ghazi Police station are non-cooperative and hesitant to register FIR. Repair and fixing of this damage will cost me Rs:100,000/= You are kindly requested to intervene in this matter and find the culprit and keep me posted with development pls. I have a gut feeling, without the area lineman or his assistant, it is impossible to touch 1100 kv line. if police investigate on this angle I am sure they will find the culprit quickly. Kind Regards, from England UK

  13. Dear Sir
    We have some issue about illegal Electric Meter and also heavy factory in residential area in main Abbottabad city,Kindly take a notice about it

  14. AoA!
    Online complaint registration is in fact a great thing ever on pages of history in Atd. Highly appreciated. I want to complain against exams that were totally bogus. The staff that was responsible to control the cheating n illegal means to attempt paper was itself part of this fraudulentl based system. Those who had means to aid themselves by either obliging the staff were given specially previlag. And for the very first time the sitting arrangment was even done not by the examinors but the way the students loved it. The hall were totally segregated on gender bases which for sure is a huge qyestion mark.
    Kindly take struck action against this. This is against LLB part 1 exam 2016. Peshwar boars

  15. Sir, how can we confirm that
    (1) which housing schemes are approved by CBA? where are their approved maps?
    (2) are abbottabad model town and abbottabad gardens promoted by Red Sun Marketing Pvt Ltd, approved by CBA or relevant controlling bodies
    (3) If not then what actions have been taken to save innocent investors from thugs

  16. Aoa.
    I applaude the kpk policing and abbottabad online website.
    This is really good job.
    I need the contact nos of DIG hazara and ssp Abbottabad.
    I also need the contact no of sho Mangal.
    Thank you.

  17. I need some help in Abbottabad cant one of Shopkeeper give my amount of Twenty thousand but he is still not giving me the amount from last one month kindly tell me in which place i can log a complain to resolve the issue so that concern shopkeeper back my amount

  18. Dear sir hope all is abbottabad police man bkackmale my family.I live in out of Pakistan last 12year. His position is strong in police department. What’s better way I take action for this person

  19. I am student and my android mobile phone was lost in my university on 2 June , report to PAL Abbottbad on 3/06/2016 , no any action taken even I also provide a IEMI numbers for tracking my phone but on 28/082016 I personally meet with Respected SP Abbotbabad , he not only give a quick and hard instructions to their responsible that give report in 3, 4 days also excuse to me for inconvenience , Appreciable the Action of SP .
    But after weeks ago I still not get a any respone than again visit to SP office and try to meet with him again their a personal again give hope that just a wait a few days our system will checking the your phone but it’s 18/10/2016 come I don’t get lost phone even don’t any response may a positive or negative .
    No doubt KP Police is reforming dramatically but still need more changes and hard work to serve a better to peoples

    Abdul Basit

  20. Dear I wana you Help our nephew in abbottabad is occupied in our land total document in my father name but they are not realising and also threat us


  21. Dear Admin,
    I am a resident city center Abbottabad, near Tanchi Chowk. I need “Police Clearance Certificate” for immigration purposes. I think it will issued by SSP Abbottababad. currently I am not in the Pakistan. I will be come to Abbottabad after few weeks, to get my required documents but i have very limited time. Can you kindly guide me in this regards, so that i am well prepared and get the things done without much trouble.

    Thanks and best regards,
    Waqas Ahmed Malik

    1. Its very easy just apply at SSP/DPO office they sent it to your concerned police station and it will back to DPO office, anyhow you can reduce the time by hand clearance from concerned police station as well

  22. Hi sir my name is zain akbar s/o akbar ali tariq currently resident of yellow cabe suzuki bolan SLS-11-2583 was stollen and now currently in currently lora hazara police insurance company of vehicle visited may times police station but me in abroad no1 is providing me the exact information. Can u forwared my request to loara hazar SHO. or can u provide me his contact no.thnks

  23. Sir
    Well you plz send me number off contact person wo well be responsible for street and sewerage problem
    My adress is habib ullah

  24. aoa
    what about the hostels in residential areas of abbottabad!! is any one can take action against them. what i know its not allowed

  25. sir i have listened that dco abbottabad accounts is offering paid internship for post graduate students if any pls give info

  26. Sir
    My name is Muhammad saeed,
    Me zila abbotttabad thana lora ka rehihshi hoon, i need your help for saving lifes
    Sir lora shehr ki road jo khas bazaar me sy guzar rahi hy os par bohat speed sy garhyan chlai ja rahi hen kal mera beta b aik garhi k nichy aa giya
    AlkhmdoLILLAH k os ki jan bach gai magar me aap sy hath jorh k darkhast karta hoon wahan roz k roz hadsy ho rahy hen please please wahan speed breaker lagy jaen k garhyan waly aista chalen.
    Shaid is sy kisi ki jan bach saky
    Khuda ap ko ye kam karny ki himat dy

  27. Sir
    My Name is Mahmood Khan, living in Manchester, UK.
    one of the land mafia in Abbottabad is trying to take illegal possession of our house built on our land. He has submitted malicious complaint to the police station, Mirpure.
    I will be grateful for sending the details of police station, Mirpure. Such as the SHO and if you have any sub-police station covering Qalandarabad and Sajikot etc.

    1. You can contact directly the DPO Abbottabad contact No (0992) 9310026, 9310028 Fax: 9310025 and
      SHO Mirpur, Sardar Rafeeq Ph 0992-380830

  28. I was divorce and my case was disposed off on the basis of compromise in 2006. And now I. Came to know that I need to register my divorce in union council. Can you help me in the process. I shall be very grateful to you.

  29. Sir in Abbottabad according to schedule of summer vocations colleges are not giving vocations. They do not have any proper systen to go through these hot days.

    Almost all institutes are opened like in supply pak science college , in kala pull most schools are opened.
    Sir please take action

  30. Dear sir!
    I just want to inform you that in atd almost all colleges and schools are opened although government had announce july vocations. They are calling students without uniform so that they can play trick with govt.
    Sir please take action on my request.
    Thank you!

  31. Sir my name is qazi shakeel Ahmad from abbattabad doing duty with Ex minister sanitor abbass afridi in peshawar some people they visit in swati colony near comcet university and they saying we r came from contonment board abbattabad they nocked every door and say all this house is ilegal and they also use bad words with people they saying people meet with us in 2 days other wise we seal ur house maximam people r living on rent over there the man which he said that i am from Contonment board leave his no-03145274053 is still power off
    every owner which he is on duty like me on that time now we trying on this number but it is still off
    every owner he have all complete document and house Maps these people just visiting for making mony plz find out these wroung people

  32. I have observed poultry shop keeper selling broiler on per Kg meat rate only, in main Bazar Abbottabad, they refused selling on live bird weight, saying that these birds are from control sheds, I feel they are not only violating a daily retail rate but also exploiting the poor masses, as most of people want to purchase on live weight which is more economical.
    Similar issues on poultry shops exist all over the city. Somebody please take the notice in this regard.

  33. To whom it may concern: I am resident of Hanif Khan street, habibullah colony, Abbottabad. The main severage line is badly blocked for more then a year. several complaints have already been filed to cantt board office and they give assurances every time that they will resolve the issue, but still nothing concrete has been done or even planned. We are facin severe problems and health issues due to said blockage.
    We would be really grateful to whosoever resolves this severe issue, as the health of residents of this street is badly affected. Regards

  34. To

    Deputy Commissioner


    Respected Sir

    It is to inform your goodself that in Havelian Lakar Mandi Mohalla a Scheme of Construction of drain Naala was approved by the Provincial Government and a tender was awarded to contractor almost 6 months ago. For the purpose a vast drain was dug through excavator.
    Sir it is very necessary to bring in your kind notice that the construction work is still pending and incomplete from the contractor. In the same vicinity a private school lies, which is facing lot of problems since last four to five months. There is no proper passage for children to enter into school. The depth and length of drain (Naala) is very vast which is very risky and dangerous for the junior children. The stagnant water inside the drain is also causing serious diseases spreading through mosquitoes. The ratio of sick children is increasing day by day due to which the strength of school is also affecting.
    It is humble request to visit the site please and take strict action against all the concerned please.

    Thanking You

  35. Assalam o alikum sir,
    Plz sir aik request hy.maira
    Ajj sham ko hattar industrial stat sy maira bhai ko
    Ly gye ho.plz sir uska us cumpny sy koie laina daina nhy
    Hy.plz usko chor dya jaie
    Plz irfan ali
    My b army sy ho plz sir

  36. Asalam o Alykum,

    I want to complaint against the cantonment board office Abbottabad that we are still paying house tax since 2001, I have a home which had a ownership of my father late Lal khan Army Retired he transferred the ownership to my younger sister when he was alive. yesterday I got message from my sister (I am working in Saudia) that she paid a house tax to cantonment, I have no idea how much but I will try to confirm from her. Please let me know if the house is 4.5 marla, is tax be payable on this or not?

    It is humble request

  37. Dear DiG
    I m Akhlaq Ahmad Managing Director Oman Rolling Belts Sharjah UAE i have my own Business in Sharjah 1995 why i m contacting because i had purchase one house in Abbottabad which was situated in Kaghan Colony Abbottabad since my family is living with me in Dubai thetefore i gave my house for liiving purpose to iftikhar Ahmad whose my reall brother because he has family so that he save house rent but he use this support has wrong and he made fake power of attorny from Rawal pindi by by siging my signature and fake tump immoression now come to know that he want to sake my hoise by using this fake power of attorny . I wad shock that this can happen that any one can sale any one house in KPK necause there in law in KPK. For your information Sir my house is full furnished i spend 5 million PKR if any thing happend Iftikhar Ahmaf S/o Mian Ahmad will be responsible and he will charges as theif .AS we are Non resdence Pakistan i m requesting to take action and vacate my from this fraud petson immediately other was he will cheat with lot of innocent people. I m also informing you that i gave him lot of chance till now but he did not agree to leave my house. I hope that you will take immediate action to vacate my house.
    For your information his Mobil No.03318386123.
    I m resquesting please check immediately also his power of attorny its originsl or fake sothat you will come to know whise is right or who is wrong.
    I hope that you will not disappoint us

  38. Dear Admi,
    I need to send email to respectable IG & DIG KP, because my police station not investigating issue , i am here in Doha – Qatar and one person threating my family and he has also occupied my house , please advise me.

    Assad Abbasi

  39. Sir hum logon ni application dpo abbottabad ko de thi jubbrian kotakian ki logon kop suzukion waly tnag kartay han aur 10 rupay ki bajay 20 rupay karayaia latia hain jo k 4 kilometer rasta ha wo application traffic inspector ki pass ha koi amal dramad nai hoa ha mhrban karain

  40. sir salam
    aj kal aik masla chal raha hy jo abbottabad sy complex k darmiyan suzuki chal rahi hy koi 15 koi 10 aur koi 12 rupy le raha hy mujy yad hy friday ko ntification cancle hoa tha k jo purana hy rent woo hi ho magar janab
    main har roz ata jata hon aur rozana ya masla raha hy aur ab 12 ka kehty hain k rent 12 rupy hy aur 2012 ka karya nama dekhaya jata hy jo k bilkul ghlat hy agar 2012 main 12 tha tu 7 saal tak woo itny neek thy k 10 rupy lety rahy plz Allah ka khof karain aur action lain ap log awam k liay hi is post par hain agar ap log awam ka kam ni karain gy tu kia faida ap ka ap ki post ka plz ya intahi kameeny log hain jo sazuki k darwaer hain aur intaha darjy k batameez
    aj main ny behs ki tu samny ady par le gy aur mujy karay nama 2012 ka dekha rahy thy main ny kaha k bi 2018 hy plz agar govt ny 12 kia tu notice jari kia ho ga dekhao main 12 don ga magar ni ya sab farad hy ap janty ho plz is awam par rehm khao yara g ghareeb log hain khuch jo sachy log hain woo ni lety woo sirf 10 rupy le rahy hain agar ap ny action na lia tu mujy afsoos ho ga k sach main ghareeb logon ka koi ni soo plz sochiy aur is par action lain plz ya sab logon sy intahai gusy aur batameezy sy pash aty hain agar ap action ni le sakty tu awam ko bata dain k jo jitny mangy dety jao thanks

  41. Conflict of interest

    Dear DPO Sahib,

    Most of the people in Abbottabad believes that large number of suzuki(s) owned by some police men. so there may be conflict of interest. I just want to request you humbly to investigate it and take action. Traffic is huge problem of Abbottabad city.

    One more view:
    پہلی بات یہ ہے کہ آدھے سے زیادہ سوزوکیاں پولیس والوں کی ہیں اسلیے وہ ہر قانون سے آزاد ہیں ۔ دوسری بات یہ ہے کہ مین روڈ سے رکاوٹیں ختم کر دیں کاکول روڈ پی ایم اے ٹرن کے مقام سے اور سیٹھی مسجد کے پاس سے ۔ ٹریفک جام کے وجوہات میں دو بڑی وجوہات یہ بھی ہے ۔۔


  42. Aoa!!
    I am very satisfied by the job of traffic police and district police Abbott but still when you got to their offices or to the officers zero co-operation and zero info,
    I just wanted to apply for the driving by the traffic warden and i had just be calling the numbers provided and places related but returned home empty handed. This proves that there are zero changes in the system. And also without corruption, misconduct and double dealing nothing happens. But still proud to be Pakistani. Pakistan Zindabad

  43. I am student of Numl Islamabad and I belong to Haripur .
    Muj pr pr 427 ki fir hoa he jo blkl jhota he police ny CDR nikala Jo k mery hak me he me mukeh pr Rawalpindi me tha lekin wo fir police kharij ni kr rhi

  44. I have complaint about meat price the butcher near scholar school is selling meat in 500 rupees a kilo and mince price 480 a kilo and the weight scale is faulty and shows 100 gram extra I cnfrm from other weight plz consider my issue and take apropriate action against is at iqbal road supply

  45. I need contact number of Additional Assistant Commissioner Mr. HabibUllah Khan Wazir. Tx

  46. Dear Sir

    I submitted my driving licence for renewal om 22 March 2018 and staff at Licence office given me date for collection as 22 May 2018 but after 21 days of collection date , i sent my office boy to collect my Licence but staff at this office that they have not received Licence and come back after Eid, my concern is only this that despite passing of two and half months i have not received my this Licence, why? and behavior of staff at office with clients are not good as per expectation.

  47. Sirs, assalam aleikum. We the people of Abbottabad are nowdays facing daily traffic [problems due to rain and the blocks on Mansehra Road between Supply Bazaar and Jadoon Plaza. Each day, from 12:30 noon to 4 pm or even later, there is a traffic jam there. Kids from school are also trapped in this and many cars are deluged by rising water due to poor drainage. the biggest problem is the poor traffic management as there are no police staff when and where needed at the crisis times. Also, the current traffic direction plan for this area is a failure, and highly inefficient– according to this plan, the traffic police have shut down all the U -turns and exit points between Supply and Jadoon Plaza and this has resulted in terrible congestion on one narrow road, both sides, to and fro. It is requested that IMMEDIATE ACTION may please be taken to resolve this major crisis for the citizens of Abbottabad town , otherwise it will sooner or later result in some serious disaster , and then who will take the responsibility? I specially appeal to the DIG Hazara and SP/Incharge Traffic .

  48. I called Abbottabad cantt police station number to complain about one urgent incident but there was no response for more than an hour so I called emergency police number and they responded with in 10 minutes and resolved the issue.

  49. AoA Respected Authorities!

    Sir today when i was travelling from Abotabad to Peshawar in Niazi express vehicle No. LES 6423, they issued 15 tickets with seating of 15 passengers but all the time it is 14 seater vehicle. They said we are not frightened of motorway police. I told them that this is illegal but they adopted provoking behaviour. Plz do check and balance on Niazi hiace vehicles.
    Their attitude was very negative and were insulting passengers. I have pic of vehicle and receipts they issued today for 15 seats. The matter is of great concern and needs proper monitoring and eagle vigilance on Niazi. We have to change the system for betterment of general public. Please do warn them and initiate an enquiry/investigation against them.

    With high regards
    Samad Peshawar

  50. Sir it is a serious issue that i live in Abbottabad murree road kalapul. As per order of supreme court crush machine plant can’t be opened where there are 50 houses. Here in kalapul.and murree road there are hundreds of houses but the China’s crush plant here in chuna kiri it isopened 24/7 and creating a lot of dust that is the cause of many diseases like asthma, cough , etc etc. Plz take action.

  51. To Whom It May Concern

    I am working in Faisalabad under the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of Pakistan, my family is residing in the area of Thana Sherwan, a Gange of corrupt peoples is black-male to my wife and threatening. I want to some submit a secret report with details of a whole gange of peoples to IG, DIG, DPO, SSP, SP as well as SHO Thana Sherwan Abbottabad.

    Please give email addresses and contact numbers of above honorable officers
    Profound regards.

  52. Someone please guide me about this matter
    ((A fresh applicant wants to get CNIC but no relative is alive and no CNIC of relative is available what the procedure is?
    Any local Pakistani can become guardian for such applicant. Applicant will present Guardianship certificate at NRC. But only Courts can issue such kind of Guardianship certificate.

    But one blood relation is alive but he is not cooperating , he want to take over the land but i don,t want to give the land to blood relation , so now how to lead the procedure,, sir actually this is my father sister, she is located at lahore and her husband passed away and her CNIC yet not issue from nadra and yet not applied ,, so nadra requirement that one blood relation must come with her then we will proceed ,, but her brother is not agree to go , he want to take her land and she don,t want to give her land to his brother,,so please someone brief me now what we have to do for processing the CNIC )))

  53. Dear Sir,
    It is submitted that Last week i travelled from Sherwan to Haripur on Toyata Hiace Via Pind Gali-Lakhala-Pohar-Beer-Haripur route. They charged me Rs 150. However, previously Rs 110 was charged. When i enquired they said due to increase in petrol prices, the charges have been increased.
    It is not only me who is being charged as such rather it is with everyone travelling on this route.
    You are requested to please look into this matter please.

    Best Regards,
    Khan Afzal, Zeeshan, Aqib, Faizan, Sikandar

  54. Asalamualikum, I am Saqlain Younis from Lahore. Sir Meri car ka accident huwa that 29-11-2018 ko Shah Maqsood check post Abbottabad KPK. First Mazda Truck driver agreed to pay my damage if I didn’t file the case but now he is not paying the amount. I have pictures which shows that accident happen due to truck driver fault. I need justice, kindly guide me and HELP me.
    M Saqlain Younis

  55. Dear Sir/Madam, m from Nawansher Abbottabad, here m like to bring yours attention about the Public Transport (Suzuki and Carry Debba),
    01, Mostly suzuki/Carry Debba drivers are just youngs, and free from all charcteristic ethics and sece,
    02, They placed dark lumination on door glases,
    03, Using LCD and loud music,
    04, Keeping front seat for young ladies(girls),
    05, Rough driving,
    06, Placing un-necesory extra spot/flash lights fore and aft and making danger for in bound trafic,
    07, Not following proper pick and drop points,
    08, Wrong way entry is common,
    09, Wrong parking,
    10, Loading/unloading passenger in the center of way/road,
    11, Taking turns in the middle of road and not following the proper U/Turn or Round About,
    12, Using Ambulance/Fire bregade and Police HORN, or ding dong Horn,
    I think this tranport is the property of Trafic Police because they are not taking disciplinery action, it seems Trafic police is useless, It seems as there is no govt in kpk, m very disapointed from PTI govt,

  56. Aoa , Sir i am a student.there is some one who is blackmailing me and want that i should pay him a huge amount (and a lot ) He Is having approach of high compound . he further said that he is in Intelligence bureau . i know eve thing about him . I need your help sir And guide line if u dont help me u lost a good PAkistani … Many of girls kills their self for the owner and pride of their family .

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